Medium term notes programme of up to RM1.85 billion in nominal value by Saracap Ventures Sdn. Bhd.

Advised Saracap Ventures Sdn. Bhd. (a special purpose funding of the State Government of Sarawak) in relation to the issuance of medium term notes of up to RM1.85 billion in nominal value under a medium term notes programme to finance all fees, costs, and expenses associated with projects and strategic investments throughout Sarawak to be undertaken by the State Government of Sarawak.
The projects and strategic investments to be undertaken, including but not limited to the acquisition of assets or strategic stakes in the agricultural, mining, energy, industrial, healthcare, financial, communications, digital economy, research and development, education and services sectors will be for the benefit for the State of Sarawak and the people of Sarawak.
Advising Saracap Ventures Sdn. Bhd. was Partner Geraldine Su.