Rahmat Lim & Partners ranked top tier in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2020
Rahmat Lim & Partners has been ranked in Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2020. The Firm ranked Tier 2 in Construction and Tier 3 in Commercial and Transactions, and Labor and Employment. The Firm also ranked for the first time in Competition/antitrust. In addition to the practice rankings, Chong Yee Leong has been ranked as a Litigation Star and Allen Choong and Daphne Koo have been ranked as Future Stars.
Allen & Gledhill, our associate firm in Singapore, continues to be ranked Tier 1 in Commercial and Transactions, Insolvency, International Arbitration – Domestic, Intellectual Property and Shipping, as well as Tier 2 in Construction. Allen & Gledhill has also been ranked for Family and Matrimonial and White Collar Crime. In addition, 13 Partners have been ranked as Litigation Stars and two Partners have been ranked as Future Stars.
Soemadipradja & Taher, our alliance firm in Indonesia, has been ranked Tier 2 in Commercial and Transactions, with a Partner ranked as a Litigation Star.
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